In this version Chrome supports COLRv1 color gradient vector fonts as an additional new font format. Meer informatie over de veranderingen die in deze uitgave zijn aangebracht, naast de gebruikelijke bug- en security fixes, kunnen hieronder worden gevonden. Daarnaast kan het screenshots van webpagina's maken en is er weer veel voor webontwikkelaars veranderd. In versie 98 is onder meer ondersteuning voor COLRv1 toegevoegd, wat onder meer voor zo'n twintig procent kleinere emojifonts zorgt, terwijl ze in een betere kwaliteit kunnen worden weergegeven. Er zijn ook versies voor Android en iOS, maar die volgen een iets ander releaseschema. Google Chrome is beschikbaar voor Windows, Linux en macOS. What's more, this branch of the browser, unlike the also popular 'beta' and 'canary', offers a much more refined and error-free experience, something that the vast majority of users are sure to appreciate.Google heeft versie 98 van zijn webbrowser Chrome uitgebracht. Google Chrome is a well-rounded browser that has everything you need to browse the Internet on a regular basis.

Of course, you'll also be able to access thousands of extensions to customize and perfect your browsing experience even more.

There, you can change the browser language, manage your passwords, change the default font type and size, choose a new default search engine, or adjust the browser's behavior upon opening.Īmong the features in Google Chrome are classics such as browsing in incognito tabs, the easy management and sorting of bookmarks, or the ability to cast content using a Chromecast device. If you log in to Google Chrome using your Gmail account, you can instantly access a lot of additional configuration options, which can be found in the program settings. Guest mode lets you visit any web page freely, but you won't be able to customize your browsing experience, which is one of the factors that have made Google's browser and its new updates stand out the most over the years. You don't need a Gmail account to use Google Chrome, although it's highly recommended, otherwise, you'll only be able to navigate in guest mode. Since it was launched in 2008, it has become a true establishment in the world of browsing, thanks to an almost perfect balance between a wide range of features and excellent accessibility. Google Chrome is the official Google browser, with which you can conveniently and easily browse the Internet.